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All scenes containing file Q1-Q6_RelatedParcellation210.R.CorticalAreas_dil_Final_Final_Areas_Group.32k_fs_LR.border
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Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Figure 11
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Group MPM Parcellations
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Figure 4
Study: Parcellating Cerebral Cortex
SI Figure 3 Face Patches (human HCP data)
Study: HCP-D T1w/T2w Development
Study: HCP-D T1w/T2w Development
Study: HCP-D T1w/T2w Development
Study: HCP-D T1w/T2w Development
Study: HCP-D T1w/T2w Development
Study: HCP-D T1w/T2w Development
Study: HCP-D T1w/T2w Development
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Superior Thalamic Radiation (str); maps 36, 37 (Somatomotor, Cingulo-Opercular networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Fronto-Aslant tract (fa); maps 16, 17 (Fronto-Parietal and language networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Uncinate fasciculus (uf); maps 38, 39m(Fronto-Parietal, Cingulo-Opercular networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Acoustic radiation (ar); maps 4, 5 (Auditory, Language networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Superior longitudinal fasciculus 1 (SLF 1); maps 30, 31 (Somatomotor, Cingulo-Opercular networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Group Average Story Task with Language Network (CAB-NP)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Corticospinal tract (cst); surface maps 14, 15 (Somatomotor network)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Optic radiation (or); maps 28, 29 (Visual, Visual 2, Auditory, Cingulo-Opercular networks); centered on left LGN seed
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Optic radiation (or); maps 28, 29 (Visual, Visual 2, Auditory, Cingulo-Opercular networks); centered midway along left optic radiation
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Anterior Thalamic Radiation (atr); maps 6, 7 (Fronto-Parietal, Default networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Anterior commissure (ac); map 1
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Cingulum bundle dorsal (cpd); maps 8, 9 (Cingulo-Opercular, Default networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Cingulum bundle temporal (cbt); maps 12. 13 (Default network)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Forceps minor (fmi); map 19 (Default network)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Forceps major (fma) map 18 (Visual, Visual 2 networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Fornix (fx); maps 20, 21 (Default network)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ilf); maps 24, 25 (Default, Fronto-Parietal networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Middle longitudinal fasciculus (mdlf); maps 26, 27 (language, auditory, Visual2, dorsal attn networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Vertical occipital fasciculus (vof); maps 40, 41 (Visual2 network)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Arcuate fasciculus (af) maps 2, 3 (Language, Cingulo-Opercular, Dorsal Attention networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Inferior Fronto-Occipital fasciculus (ifo); maps 22, 23 (CO, OA, Vis, Vis2, Default networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Cortical Parcellations
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Cingulum bundle peri-genual (cbp); maps 10,11 (Default, Cingulo-Opercular networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Superior longitudinal fasciculus 2 (slf2); maps 32, 33 (Fronto-Parietal, Dorsal Attention, Default, and Somatosensory networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Superior longitudinal fasciculus 3 (slf 3); maps 34, 35 (Fronto-Parietal, Cingulo-Opercular networks)
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Middle cerebellar peduncle (mcp); no matching surface map
Study: IamBrain HCP Anatomy & Tractography Tutorial
Language network areas (annotated with area names)
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Figure 11
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Group MPM Parcellations
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Figure 4
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Figure 11
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Group MPM Parcellations
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Figure 4
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Figure 11
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Group MPM Parcellations
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Figure 4
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Figure 11
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Group MPM Parcellations
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Figure 4
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