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All scenes containing file Q1-Q6_RelatedValidation210.R.CorticalAreas_dil_Final_Final_Areas_Group.32k_fs_LR.border
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Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Group MPM Parcellations
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Lateral | Medial | Flat Views
Study: Functional architecture of cerebral cortex during naturalistic movie-watching
Parcellation maps at the level of 24 clusters in the hierarchical clustering analysis.
Study: Adjacent domain-general and sensory-biased regions
Supp fig 6-2
Study: Adjacent domain-general and sensory-biased regions
Study: Adjacent domain-general and sensory-biased regions
Supplementary Figure 1
Study: Adjacent domain-general and sensory-biased regions
Study: Comparative Connectomics of the Primate Social Brain
Human 6r seed FC (ID=17587)
Study: Comparative Connectomics of the Primate Social Brain
Human pC/PCC seed FC (ID=11635)
Study: Empirical Transmit Field Bias Correction of T1w/T2w Myelin Maps
Figure 5
Study: Empirical Transmit Field Bias Correction of T1w/T2w Myelin Maps
Figure 12
Study: Empirical Transmit Field Bias Correction of T1w/T2w Myelin Maps
Figure 7
Study: Empirical Transmit Field Bias Correction of T1w/T2w Myelin Maps
Figure 13
Study: Empirical Transmit Field Bias Correction of T1w/T2w Myelin Maps
Figure 6
Study: Empirical Transmit Field Bias Correction of T1w/T2w Myelin Maps
Figure 8
Study: Empirical Transmit Field Bias Correction of T1w/T2w Myelin Maps
Figure 9
Study: Empirical Transmit Field Bias Correction of T1w/T2w Myelin Maps
Figure 10
Study: Empirical Transmit Field Bias Correction of T1w/T2w Myelin Maps
Figure 11
Study: Empirical Transmit Field Bias Correction of T1w/T2w Myelin Maps
Figure 14
Study: Comparative Connectomics of the Primate Social Brain
Face-selective patches in marmosets, macaques, and humans.
Study: PFC in Humans Relative to Nonhuman Primates
Figure 1: Parcellations of Human Prefrontal Cortex
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Group MPM Parcellations
Study: A Multi-modal Parcellation of Human Cerebral Cortex
Lateral | Medial | Flat Views
Study: A Domain-general Cognitive Core defined in Multimodally Parcellated Human Cortex
Study: A Domain-general Cognitive Core defined in Multimodally Parcellated Human Cortex
Study: A Domain-general Cognitive Core defined in Multimodally Parcellated Human Cortex
Study: A Domain-general Cognitive Core defined in Multimodally Parcellated Human Cortex
Study: A Domain-general Cognitive Core defined in Multimodally Parcellated Human Cortex
Study: A Domain-general Cognitive Core defined in Multimodally Parcellated Human Cortex
Study: A Domain-general Cognitive Core defined in Multimodally Parcellated Human Cortex
Study: Basis of executive functions
Study: Perspective for NHP_NNP
Fig. 4A Default mode network in human
Reference: Human HCP S1200 Structural + fMRI Atlas
HCP S1200 Individual Maps: myelin, thickness, curvature, sulc, midthickness vertex area
Reference: Human HCP S1200 Structural + fMRI Atlas
HCP S1200 Average task-fMRI Cohen's D effect-size maps (997 subjects, MSMAll vs. MSMSulc Registered)
Reference: Human HCP S1200 Structural + fMRI Atlas
HCP S1200 Group Average Maps: myelin, thickness, curvature, sulc (1096 subjects, MSM-All Registered)
Reference: Human HCP S1200 Structural + fMRI Atlas
Cortical Parcellations
Reference: Human HCP S1200 Structural + fMRI Atlas
Cortical Parcellations
Reference: Human Cortical Parcellations
Human Cortical Lobes (from PALS_B12 atlas) with HCP_MMP borders overlaid
Reference: Human Cortical Parcellations
MMP1.0 210V Parcellation on flatmaps
Reference: Human Cortical Parcellations
Yeo et al. (2011) 17-network RSNs with CAB-NP RSN borders overlaid
Reference: Human Cortical Parcellations
MMP1.0 210V Parcellation on inflated surfaces
Reference: Human Cortical Parcellations
Probabilistic areas MMP1.0 210V
Reference: Human Cortical Parcellations
MMP1.0 210V parcel borders overlaid on S1200 group-average myelin maps
Reference: Human Cortical Parcellations
VDG11 Composite parcellation with MMP1.0 210V borders overlaid
Reference: Human Cortical Parcellations
Gordon333 resting-state-network parcellation with MMP1.0 210V borders overlaid)
Reference: Human Cortical Parcellations
Cole-Anticevic Brain Network Parcellation (CAB-NP) + MMP1.0 210P borders
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