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All scenes containing file Mac30BS.L.flat.32k_fs_LR.surf.gii
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Reference: Macaque Cortical Parcellations and Yerkes19 MRI-based Atlas
Individual cortical thickness on inflated surfaces and flatmaps
Reference: Macaque Cortical Parcellations and Yerkes19 MRI-based Atlas
Yerkes19 Group Avg Myelin (T1/T2)
Reference: Macaque Cortical Parcellations and Yerkes19 MRI-based Atlas
Macaque Yerkes19 surfaces, folding overlay (19 macaques, MSM-Sulc Registered)
Reference: Macaque Cortical Parcellations and Yerkes19 MRI-based Atlas
Cortical Parcellations - LV00_FOA00_PHT00 composite
Reference: Macaque Cortical Parcellations and Yerkes19 MRI-based Atlas
Macaque Yerkes19 individual folding maps + T1w volumes
Reference: Macaque Cortical Parcellations and Yerkes19 MRI-based Atlas
Individual myelin maps on inflated surfaces and flatmaps
Study: Perspective for NHP_NNP
Fig. 4B Default mode network in macaque.
Study: Comparative Connectomics of the Primate Social Brain
Macaque F5a seed FC (id=18643)
Study: Perspective for NHP_NNP
Fig. 8 Results of simulation for partial volume/geometric effects in ‘layer’ fMRI analysis at various resolutions in macaque cerebral cortex.
Study: Cerebral Cortical Folding, Parcellation, and Connectivity
Figure 3 C, D Macaque and human cortical parcellations
Study: A dopamine gradient controls access to distributed working memory in the large-scale monkey cortex
Fig 1. Dopamine D1 receptor density and cortical hierarchy
Study: A dopamine gradient controls access to distributed working memory in the large-scale monkey cortex
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