Scene: Figure S3: Effect of postmenstrual age on the structural and functional asymmetries in the healthy term-born neonatal cortex at term-equivalent age.

Structural and functional asymmetry of the neonatal cerebral cortex


Figure S3: Effect of postmenstrual age on the structural and functional asymmetries in the healthy term-born neonatal cortex at term-equivalent age.

-log(p)-value maps for the effect of postmenstrual age on the structural and functional asymmetries in the healthy term-born neonatal cortex at term-equivalent age. Leftward asymmetries are represented by the red-yellow colour scale and rightward asymmetries by the blue-light blue colour scale. Significantly asymmetric regions are visualised on a very inflated 40-week PMA left hemispheric surface, and are overlaid on a 40-week PMA sulcal depth template (grey scale colour scheme). Off-white lines surrounding the functional asymmetries represent the mask used to threshold single subject asymmetry maps.