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× Washington University Neonatal Development And Research (WUNDER) Data Access Terms
I request access to data collected by the Washington University Neonatal Development And Research (WUNDER) group and I agree to the following:
1. I will not attempt to establish the identity of or attempt to contact any of the included human subjects.
2. I understand that under no circumstances will the code that would link these data to Protected Health Information be given to me, nor will any additional information about individual human subjects be released to me under these Open Access Data Use Terms.
3. I will comply with all relevant rules and regulations imposed by my institution. This may mean that I need my research to be approved or declared exempt by a committee that oversees research on human subjects, e.g. my IRB or Ethics Committee. The released WUNDER data are not considered de-identified, insofar as certain combinations of WUNDER Restricted Data (available through a separate process) might allow identification of individuals. Different committees operate under different national, state and local laws and may interpret regulations differently, so it is important to ask about this. If needed and upon request, the WUNDER group will provide a certificate stating that you have accepted the WUNDER Open Access Data Use Terms.
4. I may redistribute original WUNDER Open Access data and any derived data as long as the data are redistributed under these same Data Use Terms.
5. I will acknowledge the use of WUNDER data and data derived from WUNDER data when publicly presenting any results.
5a. Papers, book chapters, books, posters, oral presentations, and all other printed and digital presentations of results derived from WUNDER data should contain the following wording in the acknowledgments section: "Data were provided by the Washington University Neonatal Development And Research (WUNDER) group (Principal Investigators: Terrie Inder and David Van Essen; US NIH ROI Grant #HD057098).”
5b. Authors of publications or presentations using WUNDER data should cite relevant publications describing the methods used by the WUNDER to acquire and process the data.
5c. The WUNDER group as a whole should not be included as an author of publications or presentations if this authorship would be based solely on the use of WUNDER data.
6. Failure to abide by these guidelines will result in termination of my privileges to access WUNDER data.
Fig. 4. Comparison of evolutionary and postnatal cortical surface expansion. (B) Map of human postnatal cortical expansion (combined left and right hemispheres) for comparison (detailed in Fig. 1 legend).