Scene: Fig. S4, Comparison of Habenula Connectivity With and Without Spatial Smoothing

Human Habenula Functional Connectivity


Fig. S4, Comparison of Habenula Connectivity With and Without Spatial Smoothing

Fig. S4: Unthresholded (left) and significance-thresholded (pTFCE-FWE < 0.05, right) whole-brain Hb connectivity with (i.e., main analysis) and without spatial smoothing (FWHM = 4mm Gaussian kernel). Hb connectivity with the cortex was very similar with and without smoothing, presumably due to the weighted spatial averaging used to map HCP fMRI data to cortical surface vertices (Glasser et al. 2013). Hb connectivity with the subcortex was much weaker without spatial smoothing. Nevertheless, the distribution of subcortical voxels with significant Hb connectivity in the unsmoothed analysis resembled the smoothed results (e.g., putamen, anterior cerebellum). Due to the proximity of the Hb and the thalamus, connectivity between these structures was likely overestimated in the smoothed analysis; as such, the substantial Hb-thalamus connectivity observed in the unsmoothed analysis is also noteworthy.

Surface Mesh:32k fs LR, Registration:MSMAll, Atlas:Conte69, Species:Human