Human Habenula Functional Connectivity
Fig. S5, Comparison of Habenula Connectivity with Parcellated and Voxel-/Vertexwise rs-fMRI Data
Fig. S5: Unthresholded (left) and significance-thresholded (pFWE < 0.05, right) whole-brain Hb connectivity with voxel-/vertexwise (i.e., main analysis) and parcellated rs-fMRI data. Hb connectivity patterns were similar in both analyses, particularly for the more granular cortical parcellation, but statistical values were much higher in the parcellated analysis, reflecting the greater degree of spatial averaging. Cortical parcels were adapted from the multimodal HCP parcellation (Glasser et al. 2016), which we modified by combining corresponding parcels from the left and right hemisphere (note that parcellated maps are symmetric) and subdividing the somatomotor strip along somatotopic subareal boundaries (note the additional border lines in this region relative to previous figures). Subcortical parcels consisted of the 10 major subcortical structures included in standard CIFTI grayordinate space, also combined bilaterally.
Surface Mesh:32k fs LR, Registration:MSMAll, Atlas:Conte69, Species:Human