Scene: Supplemental Figure S8

The Impact of Traditional Neuroimaging Methods on the Spatial Localization of Cortical Areas


Supplemental Figure S8

This figure shows the separability of ideal upper versus lower laminar signal. For every subject, a layer 4 surface is approximated by the equal volume method (locally, the same amount of cortical volume is superficial to the new surface as is deeper than it), and used to create volumetric simulated signal maps of the superficial and deep layers at several resolutions. These volumes are then mapped back onto the same surfaces with the ribbon mapping technique (the “Superficial Surfaces” side uses the pial and approximate layer 4 surfaces, the “Deep Surfaces” side uses the approximate layer 4 and white matter surfaces) and then averaged across subjects. The use of a large group and surface-based techniques enables some separation of laminar level effects at relatively low resolutions (2 mm). In individual subject data, however, these maps contain significant noise from geometric effects of surface/voxel intersection. At higher resolutions, the separation between peaks in the histograms is larger, signifying better potential separation of signal between laminae in surface-based group analysis. See Supplemental Methods Section M2.

Surface Mesh:32k fs LR, Registration:MSMAll