Scene File: BALSA.scene
Neural evidence for different types of position coding strategies in spatial working memory
- Figure 2. Significant delay-related responses.
- Figure 3. Differences in the delay activity between task conditions thought to promote either retrospective sensory or prospective motor coding, respectively.
- Figure 4. Differences in early and late phases of the delay activity between task conditions thought to promote either retrospective sensory or prospective motor coding, respectively.
- Figure 5A. ROIs used in functional connectivity analysis.
- Figure S2B. Dense whole-brain delay activity during individual task conditions.
- Figure S3. Average delay activity during individual task conditions based on analysis of parcellated data.
- Figure S4. Consistency of delay-related differences across different task conditions and experiments.
- Figure S5. Functional connectivity within the spatial working memory network during the delay period for each task condition in Experiment I.