Scene: Figure 8 - video 1

The relationship between spatial configuration and functional connectivity of brain regions revisited


Figure 8 - video 1

To facilitate direct comparison with the results presented in our earlier work (Bijsterbosch et al., 2018), we created movies of spatial overlap along the axis of the behavioural CCA mode of population covariation. While wb_view does not have capacity to display this as a movie, please scroll through the maps here (the movie is available on the eLife webpage). For this, we took the U resulting from the CCA between PFM spatial maps and behaviour, and created a linearly spaced vector that spans slightly beyond the full range (10% beyond measured extremes) of U, and projected these linearly spaced U values back to form a rank-one reconstruction of the 50 PFM spatial maps. The grayordinate-wise sum across 50 spatial maps was calculated after removing the sign and performing normalisation and thresholding as described in the section entitled ‘Evidence for the existence of overlap in real data’. These results reveal systematic changes in the amount and the localisation of spatially overlapping organisation as a function of behaviour.

Surface Mesh:32k fs LR, Parcellation:HCP_MMP1.0, Registration:MSMAll